Embark on the ultimate Gold Prospecting Expedition 2025 designed for men and women who crave adventure. Dive into the thrill of the hunt with expert guides, hands-on training, and all gear you need. Perfect for enthusiasts of all levels, this expedition offers a unique opportunity to explore, learn, and potentially strike gold in some of the most promising sites.

  • Date:15.07.2025 20:00
  • Location Western Australia, Australia (Map)



On our Gold Prospecting Expedition 2025, participants will dive into the world of gold hunting with hands-on learning led by experienced prospectors. You'll master the essentials, including how to read landscapes to identify gold-rich areas, operate metal detectors effectively, and use panning and sluicing techniques to separate gold from gravel. Learn the ins and outs of gold geology, field mapping, and mineral identification to boost your skills. You'll also gain practical knowledge of maintaining equipment, understanding local regulations, and how to assess potential claims. Perfect for both beginners and seasoned enthusiasts, this expedition equips you with the tools and techniques to succeed in the field.